Here I'm going to put initiatives chess application beyond its sporting aspect, due to I think both interesting by themselves as for highlight of the benefits associated with playing chess.
If anyone knows initiatives that meet this profile, please let me know to include here (of course, only put them because I think are interesting and should be known)
If anyone knows initiatives that meet this profile, please let me know to include here (of course, only put them because I think are interesting and should be known)
* Check Mate to TDAH (
Initiative led by the spanish chess club 64Villalba
TDAH means "attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity." (spanish acronym) Between 5 and 8% of the child population have this problem, but a high percentage never gets to be diagnosed. It can have only one of two conditions, although there are many cases in which both occur together or even associated with some problem more.

Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder are caused by insufficient cerebral performance, so improvements always come through activation of the brain areas affected. Activities like chess are ideal to activate the brain and keep it fit, something that will be useful to anyone who suffers TDAH.
Chess involves several positive aspects. Among many other benefits, helps you plan to follow rules or strengthen memory, many positive aspects to the life of an TDAH. In addition, children with TDAH. are poorly organized and manage their time so disastrous, something that can make a major difference if he plays chess.
(excerpt from an entry in the web ajedrezdeataque)
* Chess in schools
The Spanish GM Miguel Illescas is one of the promoters of the project. Here I put part of the letter showing their support for this initiative
We all want our youth grow and be educated according to values consistent with ethical principles worthy and honest, in an environment that rewards effort and to promote the development of intelligence.
There are places where the observance of certain values remains a necessary condition for success, and chess is certainly one of them. And there is growing empirical evidence that this game is a valuable tool for the development of intelligence and character building. (more detail)

The European Parliament approves the program "Chess in School"
The March 13, 2012 in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a European Union program Chess - "Chess in Schools". The Written Declaration 50/2011 for the implementation of the chess program at school among schools of the European Union was signed by 415 MEPs (the number needed was 378 signatures - 50% +1 of the total of 754 MEPs) (more detail)
TDAH means "attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity." (spanish acronym) Between 5 and 8% of the child population have this problem, but a high percentage never gets to be diagnosed. It can have only one of two conditions, although there are many cases in which both occur together or even associated with some problem more.

Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder are caused by insufficient cerebral performance, so improvements always come through activation of the brain areas affected. Activities like chess are ideal to activate the brain and keep it fit, something that will be useful to anyone who suffers TDAH.
Chess involves several positive aspects. Among many other benefits, helps you plan to follow rules or strengthen memory, many positive aspects to the life of an TDAH. In addition, children with TDAH. are poorly organized and manage their time so disastrous, something that can make a major difference if he plays chess.
(excerpt from an entry in the web ajedrezdeataque)
We all want our youth grow and be educated according to values consistent with ethical principles worthy and honest, in an environment that rewards effort and to promote the development of intelligence.
There are places where the observance of certain values remains a necessary condition for success, and chess is certainly one of them. And there is growing empirical evidence that this game is a valuable tool for the development of intelligence and character building. (more detail)

The European Parliament approves the program "Chess in School"
The March 13, 2012 in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a European Union program Chess - "Chess in Schools". The Written Declaration 50/2011 for the implementation of the chess program at school among schools of the European Union was signed by 415 MEPs (the number needed was 378 signatures - 50% +1 of the total of 754 MEPs) (more detail)
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