- Bishop Pair: when a player has the dark-squared bishop and the light-squared bishop is said to have the bishop pair. In general, open positions is considered advantageous to keep the bishop pair
- Castle: special move in which to move at the same time the king and rook.
- Check is the threat of the king.
- Checkmate: a position in which a player's king is in check and the player has not a legal move. The player with his king in checkmate loses the game.
- Column: is each of the eight lines of eight slots that are formed vertically with respect to aligning these players.
- Continuous check: a forced draw by a player putting the opponent's king in a perpetual series of checks.
- Diagonal: each of the lines of the same color squares that make up the chessboard.
- Discovered check: a check made by a queen, rook or bishop move after a friendly piece that was in the path of the attacker and the king opposite.
- Double check: is a variant of the open check where the moving part also gives check.
- Doubled pawns: two pawns of the same color in the same column.
- Double the Rooks: place two Rooks of the same color on the same column or row
- ELO: It is a measure of the strength of a chess player. In Each game is added or subtracted points ELO according the result and level of the opponent. The rankings of players are done using this measure.
- FIDE Master (FM): FIDE title that grants anyone who exceeds the 2300 ELO points, this title is for life.
- Final: final stage of the game, when there are few pieces on the board.
- Forced move: move that is clearly the only one that does not end in disaster for the player to move.
- Gambit is a sacrifice, usually pawn in the opening with intent to obtain other advantage.
- Grand Master (GM): It's the highest title awarded by the FIDE. To obtain the degree is needed to achieve several standards of merit in tournaments and score a minimum of ELO.
- Heavy-pieces: Queen and Rooks
- International Master (IM) second title in importance can get after the chess International Grandmaster . As in the case of the title of Grand Master, for the qualification needed to achieve several standards of merit (less difficulty than the Grand Master) in tournaments and a minimum score of ELO.
- Isolated pawn: is one pawn that has no pawn of the same color in the adjacent columns.
- Material: all pieces and pawns of a player on the board. The player with pieces and pawns of greater value is said to have "material advantage".
- Minor Pieces: Bishops and Knigths.
- Opening: initial phase of the game.
- Open column: is one column that has no pawns.
- Passed Pawn: es aquel peón al que no se le opone ningún peón del bando contrario en su camino a la promoción. Es decir, en las filas que le separan de la casilla de promoción no existe ningún peón contrario ni en su columna ni en las adyacentes.
- Pawn structure: it's the form how the pawns to be placed on the board. As the pawns are more moving parts and the only piece you can't move backward, the pawns position influences the character of the game
- Pin: when a piece can not move because it would expose a valuable piece, usually the king or queen.
- Promotion : when a pawn reaches the eighth rank and can be converted to any other piece (except the king)
- Sacrifice: Delivery of a piece, hoping to get some advantage in return.
- Side: each of the left and right halves of the board, excluding the central columns. The left half is called "queenside" and the right half. is called "kingside"
- Simplification: a strategy of exchanging pieces of equal value. This strategy can be used defensively to reduce the amount of attacking forces or to amplify a material advantage.

Basic Glossary of Chess
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