"Good positions do not win games, good moves itself" (G-Abrahams)
Continuing with the previous entries we will try to implement marketing imagination and spirit in order to get sponsorship for the chess world. When we play a game and we face the decision of the moves, first of all, we need to evaluate the position remaining after the play of the opponent.
Very briefly the steps would be:
- We see what has moved.
- Detecting which are direct threats.
- See how to change the situation of the pieces as a result of this movement.
- Check how it affects the plan we had planned and if we have to change.
In the second part we compare the structure looking for strengths and weaknesses of both own and rival, and value the gameplay possibilities that have the pieces on the board (which pieces are most active, which ones to improve or what pieces of hand can make worsen their situation and what they give us the most problems)
If we do this previous analysis, the odds of finding the best plan increase significantly, the move to make would be the consequence of the plan we decided to follow (remember the SWOT analysis mentioned in the previous post).
That said, we have to evaluate the position in which we find:
Currently, chess has good reputation ... is always good to say that you play chess, nobody looks like a crazy thing, and it is normal that you consider in the category "the smart". Likewise, nearly all are seeing it as a game and not a sport, it still has the aura of some smart people, but rather "Geeks".
Some time ago, in a talk on Twitter on this topic, the other person closed the conversation by saying that chess is like poetry, very nice, very cool, which is quite good, but at the time to spend money... how many people buy poetry? Chess is something that is considered minority, even though almost everyone has been in front of a chess board sometime in their life, even if in the same way that has been before the Parcheesi board, so they do not find anything strange .
At this point we have some strengths and some weaknesses? We play this game.. are we smarter than others or simply are some geeks? Surely any of those things, but I do have to be aware that we are perceived as well, and if anything teaches advertising or marketing in general is that it is more important how you perceive something that it really is.
In the mass media (sports or general) there is little room for chess news, although in almost all them exists the typical problem in hobbies section. The recent Tal Memorial Super Tournament, with several of the best current players How many news or reviews in "not specialized" newspapers / websites are you read? I do not talk of covers, but I think we could aspire to any room regularly, at least comparable to that seen for other sports "minority"
On the other hand, if today questions down the street or in the office to "not chess people" about chess players names... what do you think would be the most mentioned?
I took the test and, in this order were, Kasparov, Karpov and Fischer
Coincidence? What do these players have in common to be in the collective memory?, Any current player may occupy a similar status, What would be required? Unfortunately now I'm just thinking international players, the same people (not chess) asked if they could tell me some Spanish player: one happened to mention Paco Vallejo and other (curious case his youth) quoted me Arturito Pomar, and the other use a "poker face" like answer.
Yes, I know that I have a pair of post just throwing questions, but to achieve a difficult goal wer have to understand that there are difficult questions raised (and sure I have left many), and give answers before complacency of our strengths: When you resolve threats and weaknesses, our strengths we should give "decisive advantage".
The original post was published in Spanish in my collaboration with the website Chesslive.com